If you are in crisis and need immediate help, call 911 or visit a local hospital Emergency Department. If you are concerned about someone who is experiencing a psychiatric crisis, you can call the Centralized Assessment Team 24 hours a day at 866-830-6011.
If you are uninsured and you are looking for mental health services, contact OCLINKS, the Orange County Health Care Agency’s Behavioral Health Resource and Referral Line at 855-625-4657. This line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
CalOptima Participants
If CalOptima is your Medi-Cal insurance provider, call their Behavioral Health line at 855-877-3885 for screening and a referral to mental health services. This line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Private Insurance
If you have private health insurance and you are looking for mental health services, call your insurance company’s phone number on your membership card to find out what they cover.
Non-Mental Health Assistance
If you are in need of food, housing, utility assistance or other help, you can simply call 2-1-1 from your phone, or visit their website to access information and request help. 2-1-1 Orange County provides referrals to agencies that provide social service assistance.
COVID-19 Resources
- COVID and Anxiety
- NAMI COVID-19 Guide
- TIPS – Eat Right when Money’s Tight
- Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook
- Coronavirus Fact Sheet
- Who is “High Risk”?
- Lower Your Risk – Mitigation Guidelines
- Quarantine Guidelines
- CoronaVirus Sheet for Kids
- Self-Care Tips – English
- Self-Care Tips – Spanish
Coping During the Holidays
Does the holiday season create a sense of anxiety for you? Download this helpful resource for tips to coping.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment
If you or someone you know is in need of a treatment program designed to reduce or eliminate the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, download a list of resources.
Enroll in Benefits
If you would like to sign up for government assistance (e.g., CalWorks, CalFresh, MediCal), call 2-1-1 or go to 211OC’s website.
Homeless Services
If you are homeless call the Orange County Health Care Agency at 855-625-4657 or visit their Homeless Services Website.
Project WHY
Project WHY allows people experiencing homelessness to tell their stories about WHY they are where they are whilst simultaneously restoring humanity’s empathy toward homelessness in America.
Wellness Activities
If you are in recovery and looking for a place to socialize, participate in recovery groups and life-skills classes, call or visit our Wellness Center.
If you or someone you know is exhibiting hoarding behavior and the clutter may make their living conditions unsafe, contact Adult Protective Services at 800-451-5155. Additional resources can be found on the Orange County Taskforce for Hoarding Website.
Tobacco Cessation
MHA has partnered with Anaheim Regional Medical Center to offer FREE tobacco cessation services to our clients. To find out about the free services offered by the New Lung program, visit the website!